WildSeed Tasmania

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  Wetland Plants

Barbarea australis
Baumea juncea 'Bare Twig Rush'

Rush of wet areas often forming dense stands. Stems grey-green. Erect to 0.7 metres.

Feature Codes: DEIabc(P)STU

Bolboschoenus caldwellii 'Sea Club Rush'

Origin: Tas, SA, Vic, NSW, WA, NZ. Tasmanian provenance.

Erect spreading small clumping perennial 0.3-0.6m height. Width unspecified but can form large rafts. Wetland and aquatic. Growth rate fast. Use for dams and large ponds (in pots for small ponds), drains and soaks. Best in wet mud or in water to 300mm deep - fresh or brackish. Full sun to part shade. Winter dormant. Will recover if forced into drought dormancy. Flowers in Spring and Summer.

Features: Great wetland habitat species. Thrives in nutrient rich mud. Very ornamental foliage and flower heads.


Feature Codes:
Seeds per gram:

Chorizandra australis 'Southern Bristlesedge'

Erect stout reed to 1.5 metres. Grows in standing or running water. Globular dark flower heads on sides of stem. Stocks can be limited.

Feature Codes: DEIcdT
Seeds per gram: 380

Chorizandra enodis 'Black Bristlesedge'

Erect stout reed to 1.5 metres. Grows in standing or running water. Globular dark flower heads on sides of stem. Stocks can be limited.

Feature Codes: DEIcdT
Seeds per gram: 380

Disphyma crassifolium 'Round Leaf Pigface' or 'Jellybeans'

Origin: Tas, Temperate Australia - Tas provenance.

Prostrate ground cover 3cm tall and several metres wide. Perennial. Growth rate fast. Use for banks, rockeries, hanging baskets. Full sun to part shade. Most soils from very dry to almost waterlogged. Takes sand and salt. Very frost hardy. Extremely drought tolerant. Masses of pink flowers in Spring.

Features: Very good weed suppressant. Ideal coastal plant.

Feature Codes: AIaU

Eleocharis acuta
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Eleocharis acuta 'Common Spike Rush'

Perennial rush to 0.5 metres. Dark flower spikes to 30mm in spring/autumn.

Feature Codes: DEIcdPT

Eleocharis sphacelata 'Tall Rush Spike'

Perennial aquatic rush to 2.0 metres. Flowerheads 60mm in summer/autumn.

Feature Codes: DEIcdT

Gunnera manicata ' Dinosaur's Rhubarb'

Origin: SE Brazil. Tasmanian provenance.

Clump forming herbaceous perennial (dies down in winter) 2.0-2.5m height. Width 2.0-3.0m. Growth rate extremely fast. Ornamental. All soils with reasonable drainage but will take boggy ground. Part to full shade. Does not like hot wind. Very frost hardy but dies off in winter. Requires plenty of summer water. Flower spikes in late Spring to early Summer.

Features: Ideal for gullies, pond surrounds. Great foliage plant - leaves 1.0m+ wide. Huge flower spikes 1.0m+ tall. A genuine oddity for the garden.

Juncus krausii 'Sea Rush'

Rush to 1.0 metres. Forms large stands in estuarine areas.

Feature Codes: AEIabSTU
Seeds per gram: 10,000+

Juncus pallidus 'Pale Rush'

Tall robust rush to 2.0 metres. Vigorous coloniser of poorly drained areas.

Feature Codes: DEIbcNOST
Seeds per gram: 10,000+

Lawrencia spicata 'Candle Saltmallow'

Perennial with basal leaves. Erect flowering stems to 1.0 metres. Flowers green-yellow in spring. Ornamental. Endemic.

Feature Codes: AIabTU

Ornduffia reniformis
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Ornduffia (syn.Villarsia) reniformis 'Yellow Marsh Flower'

Perennial herb with large basal leaves. Flower stems to 0.8 metres. Yellow flowers in summer.

Feature Codes: DEIbcT(U)
Seeds per gram: 850

Phragmites australis
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Phragmites australis 'Common Reed'

Bamboo-like perennial to 3.0 metres. Plume-like flowers in summer/autumn.

Feature Codes: ADEIbSTU
Seeds sold with pappus.

Potomogeton pectinatus
Potomogeton perfoliatus
Schoenoplectus pungens 'Sharp Clubsedge'

Perennial rush to 1.2 metres. Forms dense rafts. Knobby brown flowers in spring. Nutrient absorber. Flourishes in nutrient-rich muds.

Feature Codes: ADEIabSTU

Schoenus apogon 'Common Bog Sedge'

Small tufted fine-leaved perennial to 20 cm. Masses of decorative flower/seed heads in spring/summer.

Feature Codes: BCDEIabcST

Triglochin procera
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Triglochin procera 'Water Ribbons'

Emergent aquatic with floating leaves to 1.0 metres. Erect flower spikes to 0.3 metres in spring.

Feature Codes: DEIcdT

Typha domingensis 'Bulrush'

Reed-like perennial 1.0 to 2.0 metres. Pale brown spike in summer. Sold with pappus.

Feature Codes: DEIcQT

Typha orientalis 'Broad-leafed Bulrush'

Tall reed-like perennial 1.0 to 3.0 metres. Large chestnut spikes in summer. Sold with pappus.

Feature Codes: DEIcQST

Utricularia dichotoma View larger image
Utricularia dichotoma 'Bladderwort/Fairies Aprons'

Small herb 5 - 25cm. Almost leafless. Purple flowers on fine stems in summer. Carnivorous.

Feature Codes: EHIceT
Seeds per gram:

Refer to "Carnivorous Plants "


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All prices are in Australian currency and include Goods and Services Tax (GST) for Australian customers. All photographs on this website are copyright © 2010-2016 Wildseed Tasmania.

NOTE: Freight and handling costs are added to each order. Terms.

The feature codes used above are as follows:

A Coastal exposure; beach frontage, dunes or cliffs.  J Sub-alpine to alpine; Areas above montane, often treeless.
B Coastal heath; sandy soils, high wind exposure, low nutrient levels.  K Grasslands.
C Dry sclerophyll forest; rocky, poor soil types; very good drainage, low rainfall.  Ka Coastal dune systems.
D Riverbank and riparian; associated with streams and rivers.  Kb Lowland savannah; open grassland and grassy open forests.
E Widespread; distributed over much of the state.  Kc Montane grasslands, heaths and herbfields.
F Wet sclerophyll/eucalyptus forest; deep fertile soils; rainfall 1000-1500mm per year.  Kd Alpine tussock grasslands and herbfields.
G Temperate rainforest, myrtle forest; rainfall in excess of 1500mm per year.  N Frost hardy; tolerant of frosts to at least minus 7.0 degrees C.
H Montane; plateau vegetation including high altitude eucalyptus forests.  O Drought tolerant.
I Swamps and bogs.  P Shade tolerant; indicates tolerance of full or partial (P) shade.
Ia Coastal saltmarsh; dominated by succulents, grasses and sedges; very saline.  Q Edible; various plant parts.
Ib Brackish coastal and estuarine.  R Poisonous (where known).
Ic Freshwater swamps and soaks.  S Pioneer species.
Id Moving water (freshwater).  T Tolerant of poor drainage.
Ie Buttongrass sedgelands; poor drainage; high fire frequency; high rainfall.  U Salt tolerant.
If Alpine moors and bogs.  X Tasmanian endemic species.