WildSeed Tasmania

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Contact Helenka: Phone or Fax +61 3 6265 2651, mobile 0438 318 797
or Andrew: 0429 851 500 to discuss your order. You can also send us an .


Callistemon citrinus 'Crimson Bottlebrush'

Origin: Vic, NSW, Qld. Tasmanian provenance.

Dense rounded shrub 2.5-3.0m height. Width 2.0-2.5m. Evergreen. Growth rate fast. Use for screen, windbreak and specimen. Any soil - wet or dry. Full sun to partial shade. Moderately frost hardy - tender when young. Very drought resistant once established. Moderately wind firm. Red bottlebrush flowers in Spring and Summer. Prune as required - can be clipped as a hedge.

Features: Bird attracting - honey eaters and parrots.


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All prices are in Australian currency and include Goods and Services Tax (GST) for Australian customers. All photographs on this website are copyright © 2010-2016 Wildseed Tasmania.

NOTE: Freight and handling costs are added to each order. Terms.

The feature codes used above are as follows:

A Coastal exposure; beach frontage, dunes or cliffs.  J Sub-alpine to alpine; Areas above montane, often treeless.
B Coastal heath; sandy soils, high wind exposure, low nutrient levels.  K Grasslands.
C Dry sclerophyll forest; rocky, poor soil types; very good drainage, low rainfall.  Ka Coastal dune systems.
D Riverbank and riparian; associated with streams and rivers.  Kb Lowland savannah; open grassland and grassy open forests.
E Widespread; distributed over much of the state.  Kc Montane grasslands, heaths and herbfields.
F Wet sclerophyll/eucalyptus forest; deep fertile soils; rainfall 1000-1500mm per year.  Kd Alpine tussock grasslands and herbfields.
G Temperate rainforest, myrtle forest; rainfall in excess of 1500mm per year.  N Frost hardy; tolerant of frosts to at least minus 7.0 degrees C.
H Montane; plateau vegetation including high altitude eucalyptus forests.  O Drought tolerant.
I Swamps and bogs.  P Shade tolerant; indicates tolerance of full or partial (P) shade.
Ia Coastal saltmarsh; dominated by succulents, grasses and sedges; very saline.  Q Edible; various plant parts.
Ib Brackish coastal and estuarine.  R Poisonous (where known).
Ic Freshwater swamps and soaks.  S Pioneer species.
Id Moving water (freshwater).  T Tolerant of poor drainage.
Ie Buttongrass sedgelands; poor drainage; high fire frequency; high rainfall.  U Salt tolerant.
If Alpine moors and bogs.  X Tasmanian endemic species.