WildSeed Tasmania

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  Ground Cover

Acaena montana - 'Alpine Buzzy' temporarily out of stock

Origin: Tasmanian endemic species.

Mat forming ground cover. Tiny 'buzzy' flowers. Bright shiny green foliage. Tasmanian bush tucker.

Feature Codes: JNTX
Seeds per gram: 1500

Acaena novae-zelandiae 'Buzzy'

Dense mat forming ground cover. Large 'buzzy' flowers.

Seeds per gram: 900

Astelia alpina var alpina 'Pineapple Grass'

Origin: Tasmanian endemic species.

Dense mat forming ground cover to 0.25 metres. Green and silver foliage. Tasmanian Bush Tucker.

Feature Codes: DEHIfJNQTX
Seeds per gram: 1300

Atriplex billardierei 'Crystalwort'
Atriplex cinerea 'Grey Saltbush'
Barbarea australis
Calocephalus citreus  'Lemon Beauty Heads'

Origin: Tas, Temperate Australia. Tasmanian provenance.

Ground cover to small shrublet 0.2-0.4m height. Evergreen. Growth rate fast. Use for mass planting, rockeries, pots, borders. Most soils except very wet (best on heavy soils). Full sun. Very frost hardy.Extremely drought tolerant. Masses of lemon scented yellow ball flowers in Spring and Summer. Best cut back hard after flowering to promote spreading habit.

Features: Long flowering. Silver foliage. Listed as rare in Tasmania.

Feature Codes: ABCEKKbNOPQ

Calocephalus lacteus 'Milky Beauty Heads'

Origin: Tas, Vic, SA. Tasmanian provenance.

Ground cover 1-15cm height. Width 0.5m+. Evergreen. Growth rate fast. Use for mass plantings, rockeries, pots, borders. Most heavier soil types from very dry to very wet. Can take long dry spells or inundation. Full sun. Very frost hardy. Extremely drought tolerant. White sphere shaped flowers in Spring and Summer. Pruning not required.

Features: Long flowering. Great silver foliage. Unusual flower heads. Listed as rare in Tasmania.

Feature Codes: D(riverflats)HKcN
Seeds per gram: sold with pappus

Carpobrotus rossii 'Pig Face'


Celmisia asteliifolia 'Silver Snow Daisy'

Origin: Tasmanian endemic species.

Small perennial daisy covered with silky white hairs. White flowers in late spring/early summer.

Feature Codes: HItJKcKdNX
Seeds per gram: 200

Clematis gentianoides 'Ground Clematis'

Origin: Tasmanian endemic species.

Clump forming, non climbing clematis to 0.5 metres. White star- shaped flowers in spring-summer.

Feature Codes: (B)CEKbO(P)X
Seeds per gram: 250

Convolvulus angustissimus 'Pink Bindweed'

Twining plant forming loose clumps to 0.3 metres. Pink flowers in spring/summer.

Feature Codes: CEKbO
Seeds per gram: 100

Dichondra repens 'Kidney weed'

Origin: Tas, Vic. NSW. Qld, SA, WA. Tasmanian provenance.

Prostrate native ground cover 1-2cm height. Width 1.0m+ or as wide as you let it get. Perennial. Growth rate very fast. Use in ferneries, living mulch, lawn substitute and between paving stones. All soils except heavy clay. Part shade to heavy shade. Extremely frost hardy. Drought tolerant but looks better with watering. Insignificant flowers in Spring.

Features: Very good weed suppressant. Great between rocks in rockeries. Ideal lawn substitute and will take light foot traffic.

Feature Codes: ABCDEFIcKabP

Disphyma crassifolium 'Round Leaf Pigface"

Origin: Tas, temperate mainland. Tasmanian provenance.

Prostrate ground cover 3cm height. Width several metres. Perennial. Growth rate very fast. Use for banks, rockeries, hanging baskets. Most soils from very dry to almost water. Takes sand and salt. Full sun to part shade. Very frost tolerant. Extremely drought resistant. Pink flowers in Spring. Pruning not required.

Features: Very good weed suppressant. Great between rocks in rockeries. Ideal coastal plant.

Refer to Succulents for price.

Gunnera cordifolia 'Tasmanian Mudleaf' or 'Heart Leaved Gunnera'

Tasmanian endemic species.

Mat forming, dense ground cover for cool, wet sites. Good around ponds. Flowers in spring followed by red berries. Frost tolerant. Boggy or damp soils.

Feature Codes: HIfJNPTX


Gunnera manicata 'Dinosaur's Rhubarb'

Tasmanian provenance

Hardenbergia violacea 'Sarsparilla Vine'

Origin: Mainland form. Tasmanian provenance.

Perennial. Prostrate ground cover or climber. Width to 3m+. Fast growth rate. Any soil except very wet. Full sun to part shade. Moderately frost hardy. Very drought resistant. Purple flowers in winter. Butterfly attracting.


Refer to Climbers for price.
Kennedia macrophylla 'Cape Leeuwin Climber'

Origin: Western Australia. Tasmanian provenance.

Ground cover, trailer or climber. Evergreen. Width 3.0m+. Growth rate very fast. Use for fence and chook shed cover, ground cover for banks and under trees (will climb). Any soil except very wet. Will take dry poor soils. Full sun. Frost tender when young. Mature plants can be cut by moderate frosts. Very drought resistant. Orange flowers in Spring. Prune to control shape and size if required.

Features: Butterfly attracting. Very vigorous grower. Very showy species. Rare and endangered in its native habitat.

Seeds per gram: 80

Kennedia nigricans 'Black Coral Pea'

Origin:Western Australia. Tasmanian provenance.

Perennial ground cover, trailing plant or climber. Width 3m+. Growth rate very fast. Any soils except very wet. Full sun to part shade. Moderately frost hardy. Very drought resistant. Black flowers with yellow stripes in spring and summer. Prune to shape if required. Butterfly attracting. Vigorous grower.

Feature Codes: ABCEOP

Kennedia prostrata 'Running Postman'

Origin: Tasmanian provenance.

Prostrate ground cover. Crimson pea flowers in spring. Ornamental. Tasmanian bush tucker.

Feature Codes: ABCEKbPQ
Seeds per gram: 80

Kennedia rubicunda 'Dusky Coral Pea'

Tasmanian provenance. Australian native.

Perennial ground cover, trailing plant or climber. Width 3m+. Very fast growth rate. Any soils except very wet. Full sun to part shade. Moderately frost hardy. Very drought resistant. Masses of dark red flowers in spring and summer. Can be pruned to shape.

Feature Codes: ABCEOP

Milligania densiflora 'Common Milligania' or "Milligan Lily"

Origin: Tasmanian alpine endemic.

Dense mat forming lily 0.5m height and 1.0m width. Evergreen. Growth rate slow to medium. Use for pond surrounds, borders and pots. Moist to very wet soils. Part to full shade. Very frost hardy. Will not survive long dry spells. Flowers in Spring. Pruning not required.

Features: Very ornamental foliage and flower heads.

Feature Codes: DHIfNPTX

Muehlenbeckia gunnii 'Macquarie Vine'

Tasmanian provenance.

Perennial twining plant with woody stems to 10.0m. Useful as ground cover.Lemon yellow flowers in spring followed by nuts.

Well drained soils. Frost hardy. Full sun to shade. Prune to shape if required.

Feature Codes: EFGNPU

Pentachondra pumila
Pultenaea pedunculata 'Carpet Pea'

Prostrate matting ground cover. Masses of small yellow and orange pea flowers in spring. Stocks often limited.

Feature Codes: BCEKbO
Seeds per gram: 300

Pultenaea prostrata 'Silky Bushpea'

Tasmanian provenance.

Low spreading shrub to 30cm high. Forms wide mats through open grasslands. Vibrant orange and yellow pea flowers in spring.

Feature Codes: CEKKbOP

Ptilotus spathulatus 'Pussy Tails'

Spreading prostrate perennial with stems terminating with upright fluffy yellowish flower heads. Ornamental. Sold with pappus.

Feature Codes: CKbO

Rhagodia candolleana 'Coastal Saltbush'

Refer to Succulents

Sarcoconia quinqueflora " Samphire/Gasswort"

Ground covering succulent to 0.5m. Leafless stems green, red and purple.

Refer to Succulents for price.

Scaevola aemula 'Fairy Fan Flower'

Tasmanian provenance.

Prostrate ground cover. Perennial. Height to 01.m (10cm) and width to 1.0m+. Growth rate fast.

Excellent for massed planting, rockeries, borders. Most soils except very wet. Full sun to part shade. Responds after severe frost otherwise hardy. Very drought tolerant. Masses of pink flowers in summer. Very prolific 'living mulch'. Rare

Feature Codes: ABCEKNOP

Suaeda australis
Suaeda australis 'Seablite'

Semi- succulent to 0.5m. Foliage green or russet.

Refer to Succulents for price.

Tetragonia implexicoma
Tetragonia implexicoma 'Bower Spinach'

Ground cover, climber or trailer. Perennial. Forms mats to 10cm deep. Growth rate very fast. Use on banks, under trees and shrubs. Best in sand or dry, heavy soils. Full sun to part shade. Moderately frost tolerant. Extremely drought tolerant. Flowers in spring. Good weed suppressant. Edible berries for wildlife. Bush tucker plant - leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. Ideal coastal plant. Prune to size as required.

Refer also to 'Succulents'.

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All prices are in Australian currency and include Goods and Services Tax (GST) for Australian customers. All photographs on this website are copyright © 2010-2016 Wildseed Tasmania.

NOTE: Freight and handling costs are added to each order. Terms.

The feature codes used above are as follows:

A Coastal exposure; beach frontage, dunes or cliffs.  J Sub-alpine to alpine; Areas above montane, often treeless.
B Coastal heath; sandy soils, high wind exposure, low nutrient levels.  K Grasslands.
C Dry sclerophyll forest; rocky, poor soil types; very good drainage, low rainfall.  Ka Coastal dune systems.
D Riverbank and riparian; associated with streams and rivers.  Kb Lowland savannah; open grassland and grassy open forests.
E Widespread; distributed over much of the state.  Kc Montane grasslands, heaths and herbfields.
F Wet sclerophyll/eucalyptus forest; deep fertile soils; rainfall 1000-1500mm per year.  Kd Alpine tussock grasslands and herbfields.
G Temperate rainforest, myrtle forest; rainfall in excess of 1500mm per year.  N Frost hardy; tolerant of frosts to at least minus 7.0 degrees C.
H Montane; plateau vegetation including high altitude eucalyptus forests.  O Drought tolerant.
I Swamps and bogs.  P Shade tolerant; indicates tolerance of full or partial (P) shade.
Ia Coastal saltmarsh; dominated by succulents, grasses and sedges; very saline.  Q Edible; various plant parts.
Ib Brackish coastal and estuarine.  R Poisonous (where known).
Ic Freshwater swamps and soaks.  S Pioneer species.
Id Moving water (freshwater).  T Tolerant of poor drainage.
Ie Buttongrass sedgelands; poor drainage; high fire frequency; high rainfall.  U Salt tolerant.
If Alpine moors and bogs.  X Tasmanian endemic species.