WildSeed Tasmania

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  Waste Water Treatment Plants

Ground Covers:

Dichondra repens, Pratia pedunculata, Scleranthus biflorus, Viola hederacea, Viola cunninghamii,

Small plants to 0.5m.

Goodenia elongata, Hibbertia procumbens, Stackhousia monogyna, Veronica derwentiana, Xerochyrsum subundulatum.

Grasses, Sedges and Lilies:

Bulbine glauca, Bulbine bulbosa, Dianella brevicaulis, Dianella tasmanica, Diplarrena latifolia, Lomandra longifolia, Patersonia fragilis, Poa clivicola, Poa labillardierei, Poa rodwayi, Themeda triandra.

Small Shrubs up to 2m.

Bauera rubioides,Dodonaea filiformis, Grevillea australis, Hymenanthera dentata, Hakea microcarpa, Lomatia tinctoria, Lomatia polymorpha,Melaleuca ericifolia nana, Melaleuca gibbosa, Melaleuca pustulata, Melaleuca squamea, Melaleuca virens,Melaleuca diosmifolia,Olearia phlogoappa, Oxylobium ellipticum, Oxylobium arborescens, Pomaderris elliptica, Westringia brevifolia, Leptsopermum rupestre.

Shrubs 2.0m+

Acacia riceana, Acacia mucronata, Acacia verticillata, Acacia myrtifolia, Allocasuarina duncani, Melaleuca pallida,Cassinia aculeata, Hakea epiglottis, Hakea lissosperma, Hakea nodosa, Micrantheum hexandrum, Olearia argophylla, Ozothamnus ferrugineus, Pomaderris apetala, Leptospermum lanigerum, Leptospermum nitidum, Leptsopermum riparium, Melaleuca ericifolia, Melaleuca squarrosa.


Acacia dealbata, Acacia melanoxylon, Eucalyptus barberi, Eucalyptus coccifera, Eucalyptus dalrympleana, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus gunnii, Eucalyptus nitida, Eucalyptus ovata, Eucalyptus pauciflora, Eucalyptus perriniana, Eucalyptus rodwayi, Eucalyptus viminalis.

Wetland plants:

Baloskion australe, Baloskion tetraphyllum, Bolboschoenus caldwelli, Carex appressa, Cares fascicularis, Carex tasmanica, Cyperus lucidus, Cyperus gunnii, Gahnia grandis, Gunnera cordifolia, Ficinia nodosa, Juncus gregiflorus, Juncus pallidus, Juncus kraussii.

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All prices are in Australian currency and include Goods and Services Tax (GST) for Australian customers. All photographs on this website are copyright © 2010-2016 Wildseed Tasmania.

NOTE: Freight and handling costs are added to each order. Terms.

The feature codes used above are as follows:

A Coastal exposure; beach frontage, dunes or cliffs.  J Sub-alpine to alpine; Areas above montane, often treeless.
B Coastal heath; sandy soils, high wind exposure, low nutrient levels.  K Grasslands.
C Dry sclerophyll forest; rocky, poor soil types; very good drainage, low rainfall.  Ka Coastal dune systems.
D Riverbank and riparian; associated with streams and rivers.  Kb Lowland savannah; open grassland and grassy open forests.
E Widespread; distributed over much of the state.  Kc Montane grasslands, heaths and herbfields.
F Wet sclerophyll/eucalyptus forest; deep fertile soils; rainfall 1000-1500mm per year.  Kd Alpine tussock grasslands and herbfields.
G Temperate rainforest, myrtle forest; rainfall in excess of 1500mm per year.  N Frost hardy; tolerant of frosts to at least minus 7.0 degrees C.
H Montane; plateau vegetation including high altitude eucalyptus forests.  O Drought tolerant.
I Swamps and bogs.  P Shade tolerant; indicates tolerance of full or partial (P) shade.
Ia Coastal saltmarsh; dominated by succulents, grasses and sedges; very saline.  Q Edible; various plant parts.
Ib Brackish coastal and estuarine.  R Poisonous (where known).
Ic Freshwater swamps and soaks.  S Pioneer species.
Id Moving water (freshwater).  T Tolerant of poor drainage.
Ie Buttongrass sedgelands; poor drainage; high fire frequency; high rainfall.  U Salt tolerant.
If Alpine moors and bogs.  X Tasmanian endemic species.