WildSeed Tasmania

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or Andrew: 0429 851 500 to discuss your order. You can also send us an .

  Bush Foods

All seed packets cost $4.50 plus postage and handling.

Germination notes included with each order.

Acacia mearnsii 'Black Wattle'

Seed and gum are edible. Bark can be steeped to make a tea - good for indigestion.

Acacia melanoxylon 'Blackwood'

Edible seed.

Acacia retinodes 'Wirilda'

Edible seed. Green pods also edible.

Acacia sophorae 'Boobyalla/Coast Wattle'

Edible seeds raw or roasted.

Acmena smithii 'Lilly Pilly'

Berries can be eaten raw or made into a jam or compote.

Arthropodium milleflorum 'Vanilla Lily'

Edible tubers - raw or roasted.

Arthropodium strictum 'Cholocalte Lily'

Edible tubers - raw or roasted.

Astroloma humisifusum 'Native Cranberry'

Edible berries when ripe.

Astroloma pinifolium 'Pine Heath'

Edible berries when ripe.

Atriplex cinerea 'Grey Saltbush'

Steep in water to remove salt. Rinse thoroughly then eaten as greens.

Billardiera longiflora 'Mountain Blue Berry'

Edible fruit when ripe.


Billardiera scandens 'Apple Dumplings'

Edible sweet fruit when ripe.

Bolboschoenus caldwellii " Sea Clubsedge"

Edible roots when roasted.

Brachychiton populneus ' Kurrajong" Tas prov

Edible seed raw or roasted. Nutritious.

Bulbine bulbosa 'Golden Rock Lily'

Edible bulb when roasted. Nutritious.

Burchardia umbellata "Milk Maids"

Edible tuber when roasted.

Carprobrotus rossii 'Native Pigface"

Ripe fruit eaten raw or made into a compote.

Clematis aristata 'Travellers Joy'

Edible taproot - roasted.

Clematis microphylla 'Small Leaf Clematis'

Edible taproot - roasted.

Convolvulus angustissimus 'Pink Moonflower'

Edible taproot - roasted.

Coprosma nitida " Mountain Currant"

Edible sweet fruit when ripe.

Coprosma quadrifida 'Native Currant'

Edible berries - raw or stewed.

Correa alba 'White Correa'

Leaves used to make tea.

Dianella brevicaulis " Shortstem Flaxlily"

Edible berries when ripe.

Dianella revoluta 'Spreading Flaxlily'

Edible berries when ripe.

Dianella tasmanica 'Blue Flax Lily'

Edible berries when ripe.

Arthropodium strictum 'Chocolate Lily'

Edible tubers - raw or roasted. Chocolate scented flowers are not edible.

Dodonaea viscosa 'Native Hop'

Seeds can be used insead of hops to brew beer.

Einardia nutans 'Climbing Saltbush'

Edible fruit when ripe.

Eleocharis sphacelata 'Tall Rush Spike'

Edible roots.

Eucalyptus gunnii 'Cider Gum'

Edible sweet gum.

Geranium solanderi 'Southern cranesbill' Temporarily out of stock.

Taproot edible. Needs to be roasted first.

Hardenbergia violacea 'Sarsparilla Vine'

Dried leaves used to make a refreshing tea. Need to boil leaves.

Kennedia prostrata 'Running Postman'

Nectar from the flowers. Stems used as twine.

Kunzea ambigua 'White Kunzea'

Dried leaves to make a refreshing tea.

Lomandra longifolia 'Sagg'

Young leaves, flowers and seeds.

Microseris lanceolata 'Yam Daisy, Murnong' Temporarily out of stock

Edible tubers - raw or roasted.

Ozothamnus obcordatus 'Native Thyme'

Dried leaves (similar in taste to thyme) as seasoning.

Phragmites australis 'Common Reed'

Leaves, roots, seeds, stems.

Sarcoconia quinqueflora 'Samphire or Glasswort'

Young stems.

Solanum laciniatum 'Kangaroo Apple'

Very ripe fruit edible. Green fuit poisonous.

Suaeda australis 'Seablite'

Tips and leaves.

Tasmannia lanceolata 'Native Pepper'

Dried berries and leaves.

Tetragonia implexicoma 'Bower Spinach'

Edible leaves raw or cooked.

Triglochin procera 'Water Ribbons'

Edible leaves, raw or cooked.

Typha domingensis 'Bulrush'

Edible roots and young shoots.

Typha orientalis 'Broad-leafed Bulrush'

Edible roots and young shoots.

Viola hederacea 'Wild Violet'

Out of Stock.

Edible flowers. Use in salads.

Wahlenbergia multicaulis 'Bushy Bluebell'

Edible flowers. Use in salads.

Wahlenbergia stricta

Edible flowers. Use in salads.

Xanthorrhea australis 'Grass Tree'

Edible root and leaf when young. Nectar from the flowers.